Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hotter than H E Double Hockey Sticks

If you have never been to the South let me tell you something....It Is HOT!! If anyone tells you any different then they are lying. If it is summer and you live in the South then you are either inside or looking for a place to soak. Since I have 2 kids and one being 2 1/2 years old, I do have to venture outside more than I would like. He wants to play outside and doesn't care that his mother is literally melting. I decided on this 98 degree day (but with the humidity it feels like 110 degrees) to take him to the shadiest park I could find. Let's just say it's tolerable for an hour. I am chasing him down and trying to take some pictures. Riley is strapped to the front of me like a buck to the hood of a F150 truck during deer season. She is just bouncing around, Lane is having a blast and I am counting the sweat droplets falling off my face until we can leave. I give Riley a bottle and Lane an hour to get his fill. Now, you know when the hour is up and mom has had enough that Lane is not going to just come quietly. Oh no, it's a fight. I am trying to be the calm mother that I know I can be but the heat does something to you. I think I might have sweated out the patients and it has been soaked into the dirt on the playground. Where ever it is it is not with me. I scoop up Lane and strap him down in his seat. I get Riley in hers and all our required stuff that we have to bring in the car for a short drive. I always ask myself as I am packing this overstuffed bag if we really must take all this stuff to go down the road for an hour. I have come to the conclusion that the answer is "YES". The minute I don't take one thing is the exact time I need that one thing the most. Crazy I know but you know I think the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, I was neither, had it right "Always Be Prepared". Thank you small children in goofy uniforms, I will be. We made it home and as I am about to get out of the car I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. WOW!!!! It looked like I had just jumped into a pool with all my make-up on. My mascara was down my cheeks, my lipstick was smeared and my hair is stuck to my forehead with sweat. That is when I realized that Lane wasn't screaming because he didn't want to leave, he was running from the scary monster. Poor kid! I am sure he won't sleep for a week with that image in his head.


Melissa Lee said...

Oh my sweet Heather.

I was really feelin' you there for a minute...
The Texas heat. I just left Houston and honest to God grossed myself out with my sweat mustache every day.
The shady park and the overpacking. You can never take too much for a two year old. Never. Ever.
The love of the Astors. We love 'em too, cuz we're good Americans of course. :)

But then I remembered you were a vegan and now I don't know if we can be friends. Because I am a Texas girl, too, and babe that just don't make sense. I mean what about all the FAT you're missing out on???

I kid of course. I'm just glad you've been coming to see me. I love hearing from you.

Melissa at Stretch Marks

Apple Joos said...

You're absolutely right! It's the little things that make life worth it. Sometimes the big things are mighty nice, too.

Thanks for stopping by!