Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh Where Oh Where Have The Weasels Gone

If you are wondering if we have been kidnapped by aliens or on a trip around the world. Well I hate to disappoint you. We have been here in Texas being washed away by parcipitation. Yes, it is again raining. Oh how I love rainy days....NOT! It is a week out from school starting and instead of doing fun stuff we are staying indoors frying our brains with television. Oh well, they're young they will bounce back. We did however go to Ruckus Room (a bounce house type of thing) yesterday. This was because I promised Lane that after I drug him and Riley out into the rain to go to Target and buy my book, that we could do something fun. Yes, I dragged my kids out into the rain for a book. My blogger friend at Lulaville got me hooked on this "Twilight" saga and now I can't put it down. There are 4 books in the series. It starts with "Twilight", then "New Moon", then "Eclipse" and ends with "Breaking Dawn". I am hooked! I can't put them down. I am only half way through "New Moon" but it has only been 2 days. Poor Craig came into the bedroom last night after the kids were in bed and said, "Can we just talk for a moment?". I thought he was trying to start an intervention but he wasn't. He just wanted to talk and spend some time with me since I have had my head in these books for 24 hours straight. Poor guy!!! Don't worry Honey I love still love you!!! So if you haven't heard from me in a while you know that I have not packed up my family and moved to Mexico, I am just mentally in Forks (the place the book is set in) with my imaginary boyfriend, Edward (one of the main characters).


Julie said...

Tell Craig that he can call Peter for company.. I started reading Twilight the other night and cannot put it down... Peter is dumfounded that I am opting to miss the olympics every night to read about a vampire!!

Deana Barns said...

I just got the first one from my sister and can't wqit now to get started! She said I would want to marry a vampire!

angela | the painted house said...

I've read so much from Lula and other girls online about Twilight that I am just about to break and buy it!