Thursday, September 18, 2008


(Written: Friday, September 19th, 2008)

Piss On Everything Tomorrow's Saturday

It is nice to get back to a semi-normal routine. School will hopefully be back in full swing on Monday. I can't tell you how I am looking forward to that. Don't get me wrong I love my, almost 3 year old, son but man is he a hand full. He is a typical 3 year old boy, causing chaos, destruction and a trail of dirt where ever he goes. It's exhausting! I am sure I will someday look back on these days and miss them. Not Today!!!

I have enjoyed catching up on some of my favorite blogs. These include Lula at Lulaville who is so funny, witty and an all around cool girl. She keeps me informed of new music. She takes me back in time to the days of childhood. She even introduced me to crack, I mean the Twilight saga. I think that if we were neighbors we would be bestest friends.

I also love to read about the life of Angela at the painted house. She has more energy than anyone I have ever known. She makes me want to take a nap after just reading what she does on a daily basis. She has overcome so many things and all with a great sense of style and a sense of humor. If there was a real live Super Woman I think my money would be that it is Angela. "Faster than a speeding bullet, able to clear tall buildings in a single bound", and all that stuff.

Then how can you forget about Melissa at Stretchmarks. This girl has got to be one of the funniest people I have never met. Her writing skills are amazing and her stories will literally have you rolling on the floor, peeing your pants they are so funny. She really should be her own sitcom. She is obviously a much loved friend to many and a "real" person. She loves her southern cuisine and her Big Sexy Hairspray. Who doesn't! She is also not ashamed in letting you in on the world of I.B.S. She leaves you thinking, "Funny but so true".

Lots 'O Love to You Ladies!! Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are all so inspiring and have really made me love this great big world of blogging. Check them out. There links are on my side bar.


Melissa said...

thanks for all the blog reviews. I love finding new blogs :)

chasity said...

I am so glad you are back to blogging! It better not take another hurricane to keep it up either! love ya!

angela | the painted house said...

Oh, THANK YOU!!! You so flatter me! You know it's all that vegan food I'm eating that is fueling the insanity that is me. :)

Thank you, again, for the kind words. And, I'm so glad that you and your family were safe from that bad boy Ike.