Monday, September 29, 2008


Today you are 3 years old. It seems like only yesterday I was in the hospital holding you in my arms for the very first time. You have grown into such a smart, articulate and handsome boy with such a joyful personality. You have my sense of humor and my short temper. You have your dad's good looks and charm. You are also your own person with such a great imagination. Your dad and I love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow, learn and become the great man you are destined to be. You make us proud.

September 29th, 2005 "First Time, Ever I Saw Your Face"

Today You Are 3!!!!

You have grown so much!!!


chasity said...

Happy Birthday Lane!! Where does the time go? What a handsome little man! Kylar sends her love and kisses and can't wait to see him again. How easily they forget the "Hedder, Lane is giving me a headache"!!!!

angela | the painted house said...

Happy birthday, handsome boy!

And look at you, Mommy, you look so fresh and radiant in that photo. Your hair is like silk!

Diana said...

What a sweet boy!